We’re encouraging boat owners and houseboat residents in North Yorkshire to make fire safety a priority when you are out enjoying time on the water.

Even a small fire on board your vessel could very quickly lead to serious injury or even death as a result of explosions or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Much of the general fire safety advice we offer to you for your home also applies to your boat, but there are a number of specific further precautions we recommend you take:

  • Install a smoke alarm – this will give you a vital early warning if a fire breaks out
  • Install a carbon monoxide alarm – Carbon monoxide is a silent killer, make sure you have an alarm and its working
  • Plan an escape route – make sure everyone on board knows what to do and where to go
  • Know how to safely isolate any fuel, electrics, and LPG installations – this will be useful in an emergency.
  • Safely store flammable liquids – make sure they are away from naked flames and heat sources
  • Site fire extinguishers in suitable places – should be easy to reach, visible and near key areas such as engine compartments and escape routes.

More information is available from the Boat Safety Scheme website
