Do you live in a high-rise building? If you do, it is important that you understand what to do if there is a fire in your flat or somewhere else in the building.

High-rise buildings are designed to resist fire and stop the spread of smoke. Most fires are contained and do not spread beyond the flat they originated in.

Advice for residents

  • Install smoke alarms in your flat and test them regularly.
  • Formulate an escape plan for all flats in the premises. This could be a stay put policy in some case. Read more about Stay Put Policies on the National Fire Chief Councils website.
  • Communicate the escape plan to all occupants.
  • Your landlord has a legal duty to give you a copy of the escape plan for your building, so ask for a copy if you don’t already have one.
  • Keep exits clear, both in your home and in communal areas.
  • All front doors to flats and doors on corridors and staircases must be ‘self-closing’.

If there is a fire in your flat...

  • Ensure you have an escape plan and follow this in an emergency.
  • Leave your flat and close all doors behind you to stop the fire spreading.
  • Call the fire service on 999, never assume that somebody else has called.
  • Exit using the stairs, do not use the lift.
  • Never re-enter the building until instructed by the fire service.

If there is a fire but NOT in your flat...

  • Close your doors and windows.
  • Call the fire service on 999, never assume that somebody else has called.
  • Stay in your flat unless advised by the fire service.

If you are trapped by fire...

  • Get everyone into the safest room within the flat, the furthest from heat and smoke is best.
  • Call the fire service on 999 and give your flat and floor number, never assume that somebody else has called.
  • If there is smoke entering your property, block the bottom of doorways with, towels, blankets, bedding or coats.
  • Wait to be rescued by the fire service.

Always report any damage to firefighting equipment, fire alarms, fire doors or fire escapes to your housing provider.

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