We are renaming our Safe & Well visits to Home Fire Safety Visits

Published 1st Feb 2024

We are renaming our Safe & Well visits to Home Fire Safety Visits

Why are we changing the name from Safe & Well?

We have recognised that as a brand, Safe & Well is well known so changing from this name should only be done for good reason. Due to changes from the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) Fire & Rescue Services across the country are changing the name of their visits to a Home Fire Safety Visit. The change is a name change only, the purpose and content will remain the same. We believe the name change will help people more easily understand what we are doing and what the visit might involve. Additionally, the new name will help wider understanding and familiarity as we promote the service to other partners and organisations.

What is a Home Fire Safety Visit?

A Home Fire Safety Visit is a person-centred visit to your home by either our operational staff on a fire appliance or by our specialist fire prevention team. The visit involves a methodical look at you, your home and the behaviours undertaken within your home, all our information is just guidance, but it will help you reduce the risk and severity of a fire.

A Home Fire Safety Visit includes

  • Help you to reduce and prevent fires in your home
  • Identifying potential fire risks in your home
  • Provide information about bedtime routines to help keep you safe at night
  • Help you create a robust escape plan
  • Check and, if necessary, provide smoke alarms in your property and make sure you know how to test them

As part of our visits, we can also give advice about health and wellbeing, as well fire safety information. This may include where to find support and further advice on:

  • Giving up smoking
  • Avoiding falls
  • Keeping your home warm
  • Living with dementia

What does this change mean?

This exercise is just a name change so over the next few weeks and months we will be slowly dropping the Safe & Well visit name and changing everything over to Home Fire Safety Visits. This will take some time as the branding of this visit is on leaflets, Webpages, Booklets, documents, and videos.