Push the Button Day

Published 16th Sep 2021

When did you last test your smoke alarms? We’re calling on everyone in North Yorkshire and the City of York to test theirs on the 5th October at 5pm.

Watch Manager Prevention, Adam Farrow, from North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said: “It is important to fit smoke alarms on every level of you home and to test them regularly. Working smoke alarms provide early warning and give you time to escape in the event of a fire occurring in your home.

“We’re encouraging everyone to come together on the 5th October at 5pm to push the button and test their smoke alarms. We would love for people to share photos of themselves testing their smoke alarms with us so please post them to social media and tag us or use the #PushTheButton on Twitter.”

“If you’re not going to be home at 5pm on the 5th October you can still join in by testing your alarms at another time during the day. The important thing is making sure that your smoke alarms are working and pushing that test button.

“If you don’t have any smoke alarms you can purchase them in most DIY stores and some supermarkets or if you think you would benefit from some fire safety advice at home you can book a free Safe and Well Visit on our website or by calling our fire safety advice line on 01609 788545.”

graphic of a hand with a finger reaching up to push the test button on a smoke alarm