Incident Summary – Day Shift, Saturday 31st August

Published 31st Aug 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.


Time: 08.36   Location: York

York crew attended a residential property where there had been a report of the smell of burning plastic after a washing machine was turned on.  The fire was out on the arrival of the crew and they assisted in removing the appliance from the premises.

Time: 09.34   Location: Scarborough

Scarborough crew used small tools to release a door which had jammed closed at a commercial property that had customers inside.

Time: 10.32   Location: York

A crew from York along with an animal rescue teams from Malton assisted with a cow that had fallen into a river. The cow was safely rescued and returned to its owners.

Time: 11.36   Location: Whitby

The crew from Whitby responded to a report of a car that had smoke coming from the engine. It was found the smoke was coming from an overheated clutch. The crew assisted the driver to move the vehicle to a safe location to be recovered.

Time: 12.38   Location: Whitby

The crew from Whitby responded to a report of a person stuck in a lift. The crew were able to release the person using lift keys.

Time:  15.54  Location: Harrogate

A Harrogate crew responded to a report of a fire in a garden which had spread to the garden fence. The crew extinguished the fire and gave advice to the owner.


Crews from Harrogate and Malton also attended automatic fire alarms which were found to be false alarms.