Incident summary – 22 July, 2024 – Night shift

Published 23rd Jul 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time:  17:03  Location:  Otley Road, Harrogate

Harrogate fire crew assisted paramedics in moving a male who had fallen down a grass embankment suffering a possible dislocated knee, back to the road and into an ambulance.

Time:  18:54  Location:  Kelfield Road, Riccall

Selby fire crew used a hose reel to extinguish a conifer on fire.

Time:  19:24  Location:  Settle fire station

Advice only given to a male who came to the fire station seeking first aid to a hand injury. The ‘injury’ was a nettle sting which the male had never experienced before.

Time: 22:41  Location: Ashlea Road, Northallerton

Crew from Northallerton assisted ambulance crews with the difficult extrication of a patient from a property. Crew power and casualty sling used to lift casualty to waiting ambulance.

Time: 02:46  Location: Great Ayton

Crew from Stokesley assisted ambulance crews with gaining access to a domestic premises for the person within who had fallen earlier in the day and was no longer answering the phone. Elderly male found within, asleep in bed. Incident left with ambulance.

There were also fire alarm activations responded to in: York x2, Huntington, Ripon, Malton and Harrogate x3.   All proved false alarms, mostly due to cooking fumes and insects in detectors.