Incident Bulletin – Sunday 21st July – Day Shift

Published 21st Jul 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

08:46 – Lesley Avenue, York

Crews from York responded to an automatic fire alarm sounding at a residential premises. This resulted in a false alarm caused by cooking.

11:03 – Ascot Way, York

Crews from Acomb responded to an automatic fire alarm sounding at a residential premises. This resulted in a false alarm caused by cooking fumes.

12:18 – South Milford, Tadcaster

Crews from Tadcaster responded to an automatic fire alarm sounding at a residential premises. This resulted in a false alarm caused by cooking fumes. Advice was given to the occupant.

14:05 – Sutton-under-Whitestonecliffe

Crews from Northallerton responded to an automatic fire alarm sounding at a residential premises. This resulted in a false alarm.

14:27 – Station Road, Stokesley

Crews from neighbouring appliance Thornaby responded to an automatic fire alarm sounding at a commericial premises. This resulted in a false alarm after external checks were carried out.

16:29 – Cliff Ridge Woods, Great Ayton

Crews from neighbouring appliance Coulby Newham and Danby responded to reports of a fire in a nearby quarry reportedly lit by youths. Crews are currently proceeding on foot with knapsack sprayers and beaters to extinguish the fire. This incident is ongoing.

16:44 – Minster Road, Ripon

Ripon crew responded to an automatic fire alarm sounding at a public assembly premises. This resulted in a false alarm.