Incident Summary – Thursday Dayshift, 18th July 2024

Published 18th Jul 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time: 10:14   Location: York City Centre, York

A crew from York responded to an activated fire alarm inside a residential building. This was caused by mist from a air sprayer and was confirmed a false alarm. Contractors had reset the alarms prior to crews arrival. Advice given.

Time: 10:17  Location: York City Centre, York

A crew from Acomb responded to an activated fire alarm. This was caused by testing and was false alarm.

Time: 11:08   Location: Near Filey Road, Scarborough

A crew from Scarborough were call to a trapped 9 month old puppy called Milo from a car after the owner had accidentally locked him inside. Crews gained access to the vehicle using small tools and reunited Milo with his owner.

Time: 13:03  Location: Sutton-in-Craven, Skipton

A crew from Skipton responded to reports of a fire inside a wooded area. The fire was out prior to crews arrival. Crews carried out an inspection and cleared the burnt rubbish before leaving the scene.

Time: 13:13  Location: Near Wetherby Road, Acomb

Crews from Acomb and Tadcaster responded a vehicle on fire. This was caused by an electrical fault. Crews extinguished the fire using a hose reel jet and then checked for hot spots using a thermal imaging camera.

Time: 13:59  Location: Eastfield, Scarborough 

A crew from Scarborough responded to reports of fire spotted in the open. Crews carried out a full investigation of the affected area on foot using knapsacks and found no sign of smoke and fire.

Time: 14:47  Location: Near Reighton, Filey

A crew from Scarborough alongside the coastguard responded to reports of 3 youths stuck on the edge of a cliff. On arrival, crews found 1 male stuck but the other 2 had self rescued. Whilst crews liaised with the coastguard on a safe plan to rescue, the last male also self rescued. Advice was given to all casualties.

Time: 15:38  Location: Crowberry Drive, Harrogate

A crew from Harrogate assisted ambulance with the extrication of a female casualty who had suffered a seizure at home. Crews used crew power and the ambulance crews stretcher to move the patient for transport to hospital.

Time: 16:29   Location: Near A64 Scarborough

A crew from Scarborough responded to multiple calls of a fire spotted in the open. Crews inspected the area and found this to be controlled burning under supervision. Advice given.