Incident Summary – Wednesday Nightshift, 10th July 2024

Published 11th Jul 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time: 18:15      Location: Cayton, Scarborough

A crew from Scarborough assisted ambulance with the extrication of a patient from their property. Crew power used only.

Time: 18:41      Location: York Road, Tadcaster

A crew from Tadcaster assisted ambulance with carrying the patient from the upstairs of their property into the ambulance for transport to hospital. Crew power used only.

Time:  19:26     Location: A59, Near Harrogate 

Crews from Harrogate and Acomb responded to a two vehicle road traffic collision with one vehicle on its roof. Prior to crews arrival all casualties were out on arrival and being assessed by paramedics. Crews assisted police with making the scene safe using small tools only. Incident left in hands of police who arranged recovery for the vehicles and all causalities have been taken to hospital with minor injuries.

Time: 20:05      Location: Fawcett Street, York

A crew from York gained entry to a domestic flat after the occupant inside had fallen over and was unable to move. Crews liaised with ambulance staff who arrived shortly after. Crews lifted the occupant to a safe location and left the incident in the hands of paramedics.

Time:   21:38    Location: Stepney Road, Scarborough

A crew from Scarborough responded to an activated fire alarm inside a public building. They conducted a full investigation but were unable to identify the cause.

Time: 22:50      Location: Ruswarp, Whitby

Whitby crew assisted a 73 year old female who had accidentally become locked out of her holiday rental accommodation when she let her dog out for a comfort break. The crew were able to gain entry to the property using crew power.

Time: 23:08      Location: Off Heslington Road, York

Incident involved a call from a member of the public after their cat was hit by a car. The cat then ran off, injured and climbed into engine compartment of another parked car. The crew from York worked to remove the cat named Seaweed into the safe hands of the owners where the cat will then go to the vet suffering suspected rear leg and pelvic injuries.

Time: 02:19      Location: Near Huntington Road, Huntington

A crew from York assisted ambulance with gaining entry to a property so that they could assist the occupant inside. Crews used method of entry kit to achieve this and then replaced the lock to the property. Incident was left in the hands of paramedics.

Time:  02:32     Location: A6136, Colburn

A crew from Colburn responded to an activated fire alarm inside a public building. Crews found no sign of fire. They conducted a full investigation using a thermal imaging camera but were unable to find a cause for the alarm activation.

Time: 03:10      Location: Clarence Street, York

A crew from York responded to an activated fire alarm inside a residential building. This was caused by a fault on the system and was confirmed a false alarm.

Time: 04:12      Location: Chestnut Avenue, Near Malton

A crew from Malton responded to an activated fire alarm inside a commercial building. A full investigation was carried out and the cause of the alarm activation was unknown. This was a false alarm.

Time:  05:04     Location: Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate

A crew from Harrogate assisted ambulance staff with a difficult extrication of a elderly male causality from their property after they had fallen and were stuck behind their door. Crew power was used to move door and assist ambulance with extrication. The casualty was left in the hands of the paramedics.