Incident Summary – Thursday Dayshift, 4th July 2024

Published 4th Jul 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred. 


Time:  11:37   Location: Near Water Lane, York

A crew from York investigated reports of smoke sighted near residential properties. This was discovered to be a controlled burn and advice was given to the occupier.

Time: 11:48    Location: Manor Lane, Acomb

A crew from Acomb responded to an activated fire alarm inside a residential building. On arrival crews found no alarm had been activated and this was a false alarm.

Time: 12:24    Location: Near Wetherby Road, Harrogate

A crew from Harrogate responded to an activated fire alarm inside a residential building. This was caused by contractors doing work on the premises and was confirmed a false alarm. Crews gave advice.

Time: 12:31    Location: A64, Malton

Both Malton and Malton’s incident support appliance responded to reports of a four vehicle road traffic collision caused by a tree which had fallen onto the road. On arrival, crews found all casualties out of their vehicles with minor injuries. Police had dealt with the incident and arranged for highways to clear the debris. Crews stood by to offer assistance until they no longer required.

Time: 14:58    Location: Fox Lane, Selby

A crew from Selby responded to a chimney fire inside a domestic property. This was caused by a build up of ash. Crews extinguished the fire and ventilated the property naturally. Crews completed a home fire safety visit with the occupant and fitted two smoke alarms. Crews used a hearth kit, small tools and a thermal imagining camera to check for further hotspots before leaving the property.

Time: 16:04    Location: Near Sandwith Moor, Harrogate

A crew from Harrogate responded to a fire in the open. Crews extinguished the fire using a hose reel jet. Advice was given to land owner about fire safety.