Incident summary – Day shift – 01 July, 2024

Published 1st Jul 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time: 08:40  Location: Oswy Street, Whitby

A crew from Whitby responded to a report of a female aged mid 40s who had become trapped in a bedroom following a lock failure. Screwdriver used by fire crew to open door.

Time: 10:08  Location: Bewerley

Fire crews from Ripon, Harrogate and Summerbridge responded to a report of a coach on fire with all persons safely evacuated from vehicle.

Time: 11:07  Location: Car park at York Designer Outlet

York fire crew responded to a report of two young children locked inside a car. Fire crew stood by in case the children became distressed, awaiting the arrival of another person with a spare set of car keys. On their arrival, Mum and children were reunited.

Time: 13:09  Location: Gilling West

Richmond fire crew assisted an elderly male from the bath using crew power as neither himself nor his wife could get him out.

Time: 13:23  Location: Sandhutton Village

Thirsk fire crew responded to a report of a wood pile of approx 30sqm on fire. A second fire appliance from Northallerton was then requested for additional crew power and water.

Time: 14:28  Location: Mayfield Road, Brayton

Selby fire crew used crew power only to assist a fallen male back to his feet.

Time: 16:11  Location: High Ellington

Leyburn crew were requested by Ambulance service to help them bring an elderly female with a suspected broken pelvis, out of a premises and into an ambulance.


There were also fire alarm activations responded to in: Sutton-in-Craven  All proved false alarms.