Incident Summary – Wednesday Dayshift, 27th June 2024

Published 27th Jun 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred. 


Time: 10:57   Location: Near A64, York

A crew from York responded to smoke sighted in the area. Crews carried out an inspection of the area and found no sign of fire.

Time: 12:22   Location: Clarence Street, York

Crews from York and Acomb responded to smoke inside a residential building. On arrival, crews found no sign of fire and completed a full inspection. It was discovered that the alarm had activated due to cooking fumes. This was also the cause of the smoke. Crews gave advice.

Time: 12:32   Location: Westborough, Scarborough

A crew from Scarborough responded to a public plant smoldering near commercial buildings. This was caused by a discarded cigarette. Crews extinguished the plant using a hose reel jet.

Time: 12:36   Location: A661, Harrogate

Harrogate appliance responded to a van which had been reported on fire. On arrival, crews discovered this was false alarm and that the van had a blown turbo. Crews gave advice and left the scene whilst the driver awaited recovery.

Time:  12:41  Location: Highfield Road, Malton

A crew from Malton responded to reports of smoke sighted inside a woodland area. After inspection, crews discovered this to be controlled burning in the back garden of a domestic property. Crews gave advice and the fire was left under the supervision of a responsible person.

Time: 14:33   Location: Ripon Road, Ripon

A crew from Ripon responded to a fire in the open which was affecting the visibility of the road for drivers. Crews arrived on scene to find the fire had been extinguished by the occupant who was having a controlled burn on their land. Crews gave advice.

Time: 14:42   Location: Gale Lane, Acomb

A crew from Acomb responded to a fire in a public play area. On arrival crews found the fire had been extinguished by a local member of the public who used a bucket of water. Crews gave advice.

Time: 15:00   Location: Cayton Low Road, Eastfield

A crew from Scarborough responded to multiple fire calls of a fire consisting of pallets and kitchen units near domestic properties. Crews extinguished the fire using a hose reel jet.