Incident Summary Night Shift – Tuesday18th June

Published 19th Jun 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time: 20:00 Location: A65 Settle bypass

Skipton crew attended a single vehicle road traffic collision where a car left the road, collided with a tree and came to rest in a hedge. Single female occupant was out of the vehicle prior to our arrival uninjured. Our crew made the vehicle safe using small tools.

Time: 20:46 Location: York

York crew attended an extinguished a small fire in the open, consisting of paper. Buckets of water used to extinguish.

Time: 22:14 Location: Minskip

Knaresborough crew were called to assist at an address where an 8yr old child had become stuck in his bedroom due to the door mechanism failing. The crew were able to remove the lock and free the child.


In addition to the above, crews from York, Harrogate, Richmond and Whitby have attended automatic fire alarm activations. All were confirmed to be false alarms.