Incident Summary – Saturday Dayshift, 15th June 2024

Published 15th Jun 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time: 09:20  Location: Outside Scarborough Fire Station

A crew from Scarborough assisted an elderly casualty who had fallen outside of the fire station. Crews provided first aid before a relative was able to assist them back to their home.

Time: 09:28  Location: Gilling Road, Richmond 

A crew from Richmond assisted ambulance with the extrication of a casualty from their property. The casualty was left in the hands of paramedics. Crews have arranged to revisit the property at a later date to complete a post incident engagement. Crew power used only.

Time: 09:33  Location: Leeds Road, Tadcaster

A crew from Tadcaster responded to an activated fire alarm inside a commercial building. On arrival crews found no sign of and completed a thermal inspection using a thermal imaging camera. The cause of the alarm activation was from dust caused by workers on site. This was confirmed a false alarm.

Time: 14:13  Location: Wetherby Lane, Acomb

A crew from Knaresborough assisted Ambulance with the extrication of a casualty inside their home to the ambulance. The patient was later transported to hospital via road ambulance. Crew power used only.

Time: 15:05  Location: Hackness Road, Scarborough

One of our officers inspected flooding in the area and arranged for a road closure to be put in place to prevent any drivers becoming stuck in flood water if the water continued to rise. A crew from Scarborough also attended and cleared a nearby drain to pump rain water away from housing using a light portable pump. This incident is still on going.

Time: 15:20   Location: A19, Near Acomb

A crew from Acomb responded to a two vehicle road traffic collision where one vehicle was on its roof. All casualties were out prior to crews arrival and in the care of paramedics. Crews assisted Police with scene safety before leaving the incident in their hands.