Incident Summary – Friday Dayshift, 14th June 2024

Published 14th Jun 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time: 08:19  Location: Darlington Road, Richmond

Crews from Richmond, Leyburn, Reeth alongside neighbouring fire service appliances from Darlington responded to a kitchen fire inside a public building after a deep fat fryer accidentally ignited due to a build up of fat. Staff had isolated all utilities and applied a fire blanket to the fire prior to crews arrival and the auto ventilation systems activated on activation of the fire alarms. Crews used breathing apparatus equipment to enter the building and extinguished the remainder of the fire using a hose reel jet and foam extinguisher. The kitchen sustained heavy smoke logging and crews naturally ventilated the building whilst carrying out a thermal inspection. Incident was left in the hands of responsible person.

Time: 10:29  Location: Brompton-on-Swale, Colburn

A crew from Northallerton when in the Colburn area responded to a fire in the open that had been left unattended. Crews gave advice to the responsible person to remain with fire during the remainder of controlled burn.

Time: 10:47 Location: Cowling, Skipton

A crew from Skipton and an appliance from North West Fire service assisted ambulance with the extrication of an occupant from a static caravan home surrounded by decking which had started to rot. Crews removed the occupant through the downstairs window and into the back of the ambulance. Incident was left in the hands of paramedics. Small tools and crew power used only.

Time: 11:11  Location: Clifton Moor Gate, York

A crew from Acomb responded to a occupant who became trapped inside the lift of a residential building. Crews used small gear to release the occupant from the lift and informed the property management team of incident.

Time: 12:26 Location: Wetherby

A crew from Tadcaster assisted our colleagues in West Yorkshire with an incident in their services area.

Time: 14:05  Location: Crabwell Lane, Easingwold 

A crew from Acomb responded to an activated fire alarm. False alarm caused by dust from workers on site. This was a false alarm.

Time: 14:11  Location: Seed Hill, Ingleton

A crew from Bentham assisted ambulance with gaining entry to a domestic flat after welfare concerns for the occupant. Crews gained entry to the property using a triple exterior ladder. Once inside, crews found no sign of the occupant and informed paramedics standing by.

Time: 16:43  Location: Skipton Woods, Skipton

Crews from Skipton, Ripon and Grassington are currently enroute to retrieve a dog from a water after the owner lost control and is now unable to retrieve it safely. This incident is currently ongoing.

Time: 16:51  Location: Skellbank, Ripon

A crew from Masham are currently on route Ripon to release a male who is now stuck inside a lift. This incident is currently on going.