Incident Summary – Wednesday Dayshift, 29th of May 2024

Published 29th May 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.


Time: 11:07   Location: Bellhouse Way, York

A crew from York assisted ambulance with gaining entry to a domestic property after an occupant had fallen inside. Crews accessed the property from a open window on the first floor using a ladder. They were then able to open the front door to allow access to the ambulance crew. The occupant was left in the care of paramedics.

Time: 12:09   Location: Kent Street, York

A crew from York came across a male who had collapsed on the street near the fire station. Crews provided first aid until ambulance crews arrived.

Time:  14:02  Location: Westborough, Scarborough

A crew from Scarborough responded to smoke and flames spotted in a public area. On arrival, crews found this to be a disposable barbecue. Crews gave advice and the barbecue was moved to a safe location.

Time: 15:18   Location: Romanby Road, Northallerton

A crew from Northallerton responded to smoke inside a domestic flat. On arrival, crews found no sign of fire but steam that had expelled from a faulty boiler in the bedroom mistaken as smoke. Crews carried out a home fire safety check with the occupant and gave advice for them to contact their landlord to have the boiler fixed.


Crews from York and Acomb (x2) responded to activated fire alarms. These were all false alarms.