Happy Yorkshire Day

Published 1st Aug 2019

This Yorkshire Day we’re really proud of the work we do to protect our communities and visitors.

Most people know about our work responding to fires, but did you also know that we:

  • Attend lots of other types of incidents, from road traffic collisions and animal rescues to flooding (as seen earlier this week)
  • Offer Safe and Well/Home Fire Safety Visits to provide fire safety advice to people in their homes, for free. You can book a visit on our website www.northyorksfire.gov.uk or by calling 01609 788545 
  • Run activities aimed at young people such as Local Intervention Fire Education (LIFE) courses and young firefighter BTEC schemes
  • Work with other organisations such as the Alzheimer’s Society, North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council, local district and borough councils and many others to help people to be safe and feel safe
  • Work with 95 Alive the Road Safety Partnership to help people stay safe on our roads
  • Run safety campaigns focusing on themes that affect our area such as water safety
  • Attend local events to engage with people and provide advice and guidance
  • Work with businesses to provide advice and guidance. We’ll also prosecute businesses where we think they’ve put people at risk and haven’t taken measures to improve things.

collage of photos showing work of fire service including smoke alarm being fitted, young firefighters, and engaging with communities