Goathland Volunteer firefighters have a busy Summer

Published 2nd Sep 2021

Our volunteer firefighters from Goathland have had a busy few weeks.

They’ve been to several incidents where they have assisted Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team with moving casualties who have fallen in awkward locations and even ended up provided assistance at the village show after a child suffered a possible fractured ankle.

Ian Hugill from Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team said: “In what is our busiest year ever and with a significant number of incidents in the steep valleys and water courses around Goathland we truly appreciate the assistance of Goathland and Whitby fire stations in helping us get patients to the waiting ambulance.

“Once we have located a casualty and done what we can to stabilise their injuries then the most benefit we can bring to that patient is getting them to definitive medical care as quickly as possible and with the minimum of discomfort, so the most important role on the hill is that of stretcher bearer.  A carry out on a team stretcher requires a minimum of eight people, where the ground is uneven or a path narrow we often have to revert to passing a stretcher hand over hand or hauling with rope systems. In this case and for any protracted carry out the need for extra people often doubles and it’s great when the fire service can come and assist us.”

Goathland Watch Manager Rose Fearnley QFSM said: “People often think of the fire service as only attending fires but we actually go to a whole range of incidents and work with various other agencies. This summer especially we have adapted our response to meet the local needs, this has included assisting the mountain rescue team after people have needed help following a trip or fall.

I’d like to remind people to always take care especially when out walking in the countryside and near waterfalls and rivers.”

If you’re planning a visit to the countryside please follow our tips below:

  • Wear suitable footwear for the terrain
  • Remember paths near rivers, lakes can be muddy and slippery so take extra care
  • Make sure you know where you are in case you need help. Take a map and compass with you and consider downloading an app like what3words which can help emergency services locate you
  • Be aware of the dangers of open water including hidden objects and cold water shock
  • Follow the Countryside Code

You can find the Goathland team on Twitter and Facebook