We release incident reports to:

  • Members of the public who can demonstrate residence or ownership of a directly affected property or vehicle, or solicitors, insurance companies or loss adjustors who are acting on their behalf.
  • Members of the public who can demonstrate residence or ownership of an affected neighbouring property.  Please note that we will only release reports under these circumstances where the Fire Investigation Officer or Officer in Command of the incident can confirm that neighbouring properties/vehicles were affected.  Where this cannot be confirmed we will then ask that your insurance company/solicitor/loss adjuster requests the report on your behalf.

Certain information can also be provided to an individual or someone acting on their behalf that has been recorded on the incident record as being injured as a result of the incident.

Incident Report Summary Request

If you would like to make a request for an Incident Report Summary, please follow the guidelines below to make the request valid.

Submit a written request to FRSDisclosure@northyorksfire.gov.uk . If you are acting on behalf of a client this must be via company letterhead or company email. The request must give full details of the time, date and address where the incident occurred.

To ensure that the incident data does not fall into the wrong hands we will need to be satisfied with the identity of the requester and that they have a right to the information. Therefore, where required you will be requested to supply us with copies of at least two official documents which between them provide sufficient information to provide the information. Examples of official documents could include; recent utility bill, V5C log book for vehicles and driving licence

The request along with photocopies of official documents -please do not send original documents-should be returned, to:

Civil Disclosure Unit,

Joint Corporate Legal Services,

North Yorkshire Police and Fire HQ,

Alverton Court,

Crosby Road,


North Yorkshire,


Email: FRSDisclosure@northyorksfire.gov.uk

Should any advice or guidance be required, or you wish to make the request via phone and send the proof later contact us on 01609 643526.

Once we are satisfied that we have enough information to locate the incident and you have a right to the information, we will deal with the request and source the information for you within one month. For complex requests this can be extended by a further two months, but you will be informed of the delay within the initial month.

Police Requests for Information

Under Data Protection provisions, we have the power to share data with certain authorities, such as the Police without the consent of the individual, in order to aid their investigations and for the purpose of the prevention and detection of crime and apprehension offenders.

The law does not give an automatic right of access to information, it allows organisations to assess the merits of requests and decide whether to disclose the information.

To request details of an incident, we require the Police to complete their own Part 3 from and send it electronically to our secure email address: FRSDisclosure@northyorksfire.gov.uk

If the Police Force you work for does not hold a Part 3 Form then please complete our form (word document)

