Chimney Safety Advice

Published 1st Nov 2021

Nationally there are over 3,000 chimney fires each year.

Many of these fires are preventable so follow our advice on the steps you can take to help reduce the chances of having a chimney fire.

  • You should keep chimneys and flues clean and well maintained, and have them swept by a trained person:
    – At least once a year for smokeless fuels
    – At least twice a year for bituminous coal
    – Quarterly when in use for wood
  • Always avoid storing fuel like logs next to a fire or stove as radiated heat can cause them to catch fire.
  • Make sure ash and embers are cold before you put them into the bin.
  • Use a fireguard to protect against flying sparks from hot embers.
  • Make sure you have smoke and carbon monoxide alarms fitted in your home.

If you have a multi fuel or wood burning stove or are thinking of having one installed, please watch our advice video made in conjunction with Hot Box Stoves, York