We are alerted to thousands of false alarms every year. Responding to all these alarms is a huge waste of resources. From 1 April 2023 our response to automatic fire alarms (AFAs) changed to reduce the number of false alarms we attend.

How will we respond to AFAs from 1 April 2023:

  • We will not attend automatic fire alarms between 7am and 7pm at premises where people do not sleep – unless a fire has been confirmed (we will continue to attend AFAs at these premises outside of these hours).
  • We will attend AFAs at certain high-risk premises between 7am and 7pm this will be based on service intelligence about that building.
  • We will continue to attend all AFAs at premises where people sleep.
  • We will continue to attend all AFAs at domestic properties.

We will continue to attend all incidents where a fire has been confirmed.

