1.0       Introduction

The NYFRS recognises that it has a duty of care towards contractors on its premises to ensure that all reasonably practicable precautions are taken to safeguard their health and safety and that they are not exposed to undue risks.

A contractor can be anyone instructed by the Service to enter premises to do work. This typically includes surveying, estimating, decorating, maintenance, servicing and construction.

2.0 Aims and objectives

The NYFRS will plan, co-ordinate and monitor the activities of contractors to minimise the risks to employees, contractors and members of the public.

The NYFRS will ensure that where construction work is carried out at its premises it is done without risk to the health and safety of its employees or others.

The NYFRS will only use contractors who have demonstrated competence to discharge their responsibility to safeguard their employees and other persons who may be affected by their operations.

3. Principles

The NYFRS acknowledges the duties placed upon it by the relevant Legislation and will comply accordingly. Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes whilst having no standing in Law represent best practice; therefore the NYFRS will seek to follow their advice appropriately.


published to this website 27 June 2024
