1.0       Complaints

1.1 The Fire Authority policy is to deal with all complaints fairly, swiftly, thoroughly, impartially and in confidence.

1.2 Accurate information about complaints helps to identify problems or areas in which improvements are required. It also shows that the Authority takes complaints very seriously.

1.3 This policy defines a complaint as “Any expression of dissatisfaction made by or on behalf of any members of the public or the Authority, concerning any policies, levels of service or the way in which staff carry out their duties.”

1.4 If you wish to remain anonymous you can still make a complaint, though the Authority would rather deal directly with you. Although the Authority won’t be able to let you know what happens, we will still investigate where possible and take action where appropriate.

1.5 Staff should handle all complaints in accordance with the approved Complaints Procedure.



Published on this website on 21 June 2024
