We work in partnership with a range of organisations. Our key partnerships are:

Enable North Yorkshire

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire established enableNY in April 2019, as the vehicle to transform police and fire collaboration in serving the public of North Yorkshire. enableNY encompasses the provision of financial, people, estates, technology, business design and assurance services to support North Yorkshire Police (NYP), North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Services (NYFRS) and the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

Read more about it on the York and North Yorkshire Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning (OPFCC)'s website

North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum

The Forum organises the coordinated response to major incidents and consists of representatives from the Emergency Services, Local Authorities, Health, Environment Agency and other professional and voluntary agencies. It has proved to be proactive and effective in developing and maintaining major incident plans and procedures.

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York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership

The website of the York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership, specifically aimed at people living, working or visiting North Yorkshire.

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North Yorkshire Police

Through this link you will find out more information about the workings of North Yorkshire Police

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Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Through this link you will find out more information about the Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust.

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North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership

The purpose of the CSP is to bring together the responsible authorities, supported by other relevant organisations, to fulfil their statutory responsibilities to work together.

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Safer York Partnership

The role of the Partnership is to help and encourage partner agencies and every organisation and individual in the community of York to work together to reduce crime and the fear of crime.

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Data North Yorkshire

Data North Yorkshire is maintained by a partnership of local authorities, clinical commissioning groups, organisations, towns and parish council to become more open with their data.

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Please note North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is not responsible for the content of external websites.
