Incident bulletin – Night shift Monday 15th July

Published 16th Jul 2024

17:30 Harrogate

A Station Manager attended a domestic property to investigate a large amount of water entering sump pit. Contractors were on scene and using pumps. Water was not entering the property. Fire Service assistance was not required.

19:00 Whitby

Whitby crews responded to reports of a small fire sighted under a bridge. On arrival the crew confirmed a small fire had been starting consisting of rubbish however, fire had died out. Fire service not required.

19:29 Malton

Malton crews assisted with an elderly male who had fallen on the floor and was unable to get up. Crews used crew power to lift him onto a chair and he was left in the hands of Ambulance.

19:41 Harrogate

Harrogate crews responded to reports of smoke sighted believed to be from a domestic garden. This was confirmed as a bonfire under control. Crews gave advice only.

20:19 Church Fenton

Tadcaster fire crew responded to a request from a carer to assist with an elderly female who had fallen behind a door with the carer unable to get to her.

20:50 Heworth Green, York

York fire crew stood by while Police coaxed a female down from a second storey fire escape ladder.

21:09 A19, Crockey Hill

Coming across a three vehicle RTC with Police and Ambulance in attendance, a Fire Officer made one of the vehicles safe. x3 injured persons were being treat by paramedics.

23:24 Wigginton Road, York

York fire crew responded to a burnt motorcycle on a cycle path. No action required as fire was out on arrival.

05:09 Church Square, Whitby

Whitby fire crew responded to a request from Police to assist Ambulance gain entry for a fallen male within. Access gained through open rear entrance. Casualty left with Ambulance.