1. Information

  • The PDPR is a process designed to measure the effectiveness of an individual against the organisations objectives and expectations, this may be based on how capable the individual is to carry out the role or how able the person is to perform to the required standard, in terms of skills and behaviour.
  • The PDPR is an important part of the Services’ integrated approach to gather information about performance and set objectives to help and support an individual to meet those expectations and record any support/training that may be required.
  • Whilst learning systems and development help people to become and remain competent to carry out their roles, the Service must also ensure that performance is maintained. In this way, development of the Service as an organisation will be achieved through its people.  This procedure should be read in conjunction with the staff code of conduct, Ill-health and discipline and grievance and promotion policies and procedures.
  • The benefits of Personal Development Performance Reviews are that they can
  • Help identify job performance by reviewing strengths and areas of development to apply the skills which can be best used to the benefit of the Service
  • Help identify areas of development that may be required as a result of a reduction in performance, required behaviour or ability to carry out the role
  • Determine the learning or development needs people may have in support of their role
  • Give people recognition of how they support the Services’ goals
  • Help managers give recognition and support to people as they develop within their roles
  • Provide focus on specific work objectives
  • Initial stage for the promotion process
  • PDPR’s must be utilised by all personnel, every person has a contribution to make in ensuring that the Service is able to achieve its objectives efficiently and effectively and in accordance with the core values. The PDPR should be carried out by all individuals who have a leadership/managerial role or responsibility for others, whether they are uniformed or fire & rescue support staff and irrespective of duty system or hours of work
  • The PDPR is normally conducted by the line manager of the individual as this is the most appropriate person who can understand the performance and capability of the individual.
  • A PDPR normally takes place at the workplace of the person being interviewed and in a suitable environment, such as an office or other room providing a comfortable/confidential environment.
  • PDPR’s must be carried out in the following circumstances:


      1. When the individual identifies the need
      2. At the request of the line manager
      3. Following a change in role i.e., transfer, promotion, new appointment
      4. Upon a return to work following a prolonged period of absence
      5. Identification of unsatisfactory performance
      6. In support of the promotion procedure
      7. At least once per year by 31st March


2. Procedure

The PDPR is split in to a number of key sections which must be considered for all employees.

2.1   Core Values and Behaviours

2.1.1 North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s Core Values, which are important to our Service and are referred to in your Personal Review meeting. We have incorporated the Core Values to help us increase our employees’ knowledge and understanding and measure their awareness. Alongside them are the expected behaviours that you should be demonstrating in order to maintain the Core Values.

2.1.2 The behaviours are listed for you to discuss and agree a score with your line manager; you must provide evidence and examples of where you have demonstrated performance in each one. There is a scoring matrix set out on page 1 in order for you to refer to.

2.1.3 The scores that result from these discussions should then be added together and transferred to the table entitled, Record of Scoring, set out on page 4. There are actions to consider for the lower two scores. If anyone falls into the lower categories (Band C or D), then managers should be looking at the reasons why, and if appropriate a Personal Development Plan should be agreed to review individual development needs.

2.2   Note: Health and Safety

2.2.1 Staff with no direct responsibility for others should demonstrate they take steps to ensure their own and their colleagues Health and Safety. Managers must demonstrate evidence of taking responsibility for their teams Health and Safety; leading by example and promoting a positive Health and Safety culture.

2.3   Individual Objectives

2.3.1 This page is designed for you and your line manager to discuss your contribution to the objectives within your department or function. This section is also used for setting individual objectives for you to work towards over the next year. The individual objectives are personal to you and should be relevant to your role.

2.4   Setting Objectives

2.4.1 Organisational and Service objectives are the keystones of defining performance. People need to understand what is expected of them and how what they do contributes to the success of our Fire & Rescue Service objectives. Personal objectives should be set by the manager and the individual being appraised, these objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Bound). The key principles are:

2.5   Diversity Objectives

2.5.1 To continually support and develop our staff to make sure they understand value and respect difference, we have provided guidance below on how to incorporate equality and diversity objectives into the Personal Review against the 9 protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, and pregnancy and maternity

2.6   Personal Development

2.6.1 Development that is identified which is additional to the Training and Development Calendar and any requests for courses that are at a level above and beyond the needs of your current or immediate future role within the organisation should be discussed and agreed within your Personal Review.

2.6.2 A Personal Development Plan (PDP), located on the Service’s Intranet Document Site should be completed and emailed with the Meeting Confirmation Form to NYRFS People Services Helpdesk inbox.. Your application will be reviewed to determine the suitability and relevance of any course that may have been identified as necessary; you will be informed in writing of the decision to support your request. The Learning & Development Advisor will oversee all decisions in order to maintain consistency.

2.6.3 During the period of undertaking externally sponsored development, the Personal Development & Performance Review meeting must include an evaluation of the benefits and new skills obtained by the individual. At this meeting, should an individual score in the lower bands (C & D), consideration should be given to deferring the sponsored development where appropriate. The Learning  & Development Advisor should be consulted regarding this decision.

2.7   Meeting Confirmation Form

2.7.1 This is to be completed at the end of the meeting and a copy of the whole form emailed to NYFRS People Services inbox; the form will be saved to your personal record file.

2.7.2 As part of the PDPR, managers should use the opportunity to review the individuals Driving Licence Check in line with the Driving Licence Policy

2.8   Eligibility for promotion

2.8.1At the Personal Review meeting, please discuss your reasons for wishing to be considered for promotion, eligibility to access promotion requires the PDPR score of Band A or B. If your appraiser recommends you for promotion the Meeting Confirmation Form will need to be verified and signed by the appropriate Verifier/Line Manager as set out in the table below.

When considering promotion please be aware that you must be substantive in role and not in development in order to apply. Role candidate applying for: Appraiser: Verifier Line Manager recommendation & signature:
Crew Manager Watch Manager Station Manager
Watch Manager Station Manager Group Manager
Station Manager Group Manager Area Manager
Group Manager Area Manager Brigade Manager
Area Manager Brigade Manager CFO


2.8.2 If you do not agree with the band/score you have achieved within you review meeting, and if your Appraiser or Verifier Line Manager doesn’t recommend/support your promotion you have the right to appeal via the Grievance Procedure.

2.8.3 To be considered for promotion, candidates must have undertaken a Personal Review meeting before the 31st March each year.

2.8.4 Record of scoring – Please record with a tick which Band (A, B, C, D), and any actions taken which were agreed with your line manager at your Personal Review Meeting.

2.8.5 Eligible for CPD section (Grey Book Staff only) – To receive CPD your line manager will determine whether you are eligible and sign to authorise payment. If your line manager is a Crew or Watch Manager or equivalent then the form will need to be verified by a Station Manager or equivalent FRS – Grade 10.

Initial Application Form to attend  Promotion

Stage 2: Leadership Potential

Candidates recommended for promotion at the Personal Review meeting must complete the Initial Application Form to attend Promotion Stage 2 and forward it with the Personal Review Meeting Confirmation Form to the CAO HR at Headquarters.

Section 1: Candidate Details: Information required for the Promotion Team

Section 2: Stage 2: Leadership Potential Promotion Access: Tick up to four preferred dates

Personal Review Scoring Band: Transfer Band (A, B, C, D) from Meeting Confirmation Form.

Published to this website 25 June 2024
