Shift Summary – Day Shift, Tuesday 18th June

Published 18th Jun 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time: 06:47    Location: West Knapton

Crews from Malton, Scarborough and Filey attended an incident involving a fire contained within a grain dryer which was believed to have been cuased by a build up of heat. Crews extinguished the fire using 2 hose reel jets, 2 thermal imaging cameras and 4 breathing apparatus. The scene was made safe and left in the hands of staff on site.

Time: 09:25    Location: Brompton on Swale

Crews from Richmond attended reports of an automatic fire alarm activation at a property. Upon investigation of crews this was confirmed to be a false alarm due to steam from a shower. Advice was given to a responsible person.

Time: 09:51    Location: Eastfield, Scarborough

Crews from Scarborough attended reports of an automatic fire alarm activation at a residential property. This was confirmed by crews to be a false alarm due to an unkown cause.

Time: 12:44    Location: Boltby 

Crews from Thirsk, Northallerton, and Ripon attended an incident involving reports of a dumper truck that had over turned trapping the driver. Crews were able to lift the truck and release the male using airbag equipement and chock and blocks. The male was taken to hospital by ambulance crews in order to get checked over.

Time: 14:05    Location: Catterick Village

Crews from Richmond assisted the ambulance service in the extrication of a male from a residential property into an ambulance. Crews assisted using a drag sheet and a stretcher, the occupant was then left in the hands of ambulance service.

Time: 14:45    Location: Tinkler Lane, Milby 

Crews from Boroughbridge assisted the ambulance service with a male who had fallen next to the canal mooring. Crews assisted ambulance crews in assisting the male onto the stretcher and transferring him into the ambulance. The incident was then left in the hands of paramedics.

Time: 16:29     Location: Heslington, York 

Crews from York attended an automatic fire alarm activation at a property in Heslington. This was confirmed to be a false alarm due to an unknown cause.