Incident Summary – Day Shift, Monday 17th June

Published 17th Jun 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time: 10:01   Location: York

Crews from York responded to a report of an automatic fire alarm activation at a hospital. This was confirmed to be a false alarm due to system testing.

Time: 10:17   Location: Northstead, Scarborough

Crews from Scarborough assisted with an incident involving a young boy with his foot stuck in a grate. Crews were able to release the boys foot using small tools and a reciprocating saw and was left in the hands of a responsible person.

Time: 10:34    Location: Thornton-Le-Dale

Crews from Pickering responded to reports of a footpath that was alight. The fire was out on arrival of crews and advice was given to a responsible person.

Time: 10:53    Location: Skipton

Crews from Skipton assisted a female who reported to station with a ring stuck on her finger. Crews were able to remove the ring using a ring cutter.

Time: 13:01   Location: North Street, Ripon

Crews from Ripon responded to an automatic fire alarm activation at a property. This was confirmed to be a false alarm with the cause being unknown. Advice was given to a responsible person.