Incident Summary – Thursday Dayshift, 6th of June 2024

Published 6th Jun 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.

Time: 08:19   Location: Thornton Road, Pickering

A crew from Helmsley assisted one of our fire officers who stopped at a two vehicle road traffic collision. All persons were out on arrival with only one casualty suffering from injuries that the paramedics on scene dealt with. Crews assisted police with road safety. Small tools and crew power used only.

Time: 10:46   Location: Hillam, Selby 

Crews from Tadcaster and Selby responded to a recycle bin that caught fire accidentally after the occupant disposed of burnt paper they had used for lighting an AGA oven. The crews extinguished the bin fire which had damaged the side of the property using a hose reel jet. Crews than used a thermal imaging camera to check for further hotspots outside and inside the property after some smoke logging occurred inside. Crews naturally ventilated the property and gave advice to the occupant to contact an electrician after they found some electrical wires had been burnt from the fire too. The occupant declined a home fire risk check.

Time: 12:31   Location: A63, Selby

Crews from Selby and Tadcaster responded to a single vehicle road traffic collision with elderly casualties inside who were unable to self extricate. Crews assisted the occupants out of their vehicle, creating space using a reciprocator saw to cut back hedges around the vehicle. Both casualties were left in the care of paramedics.

Time: 12:35    Location: High Street, Harrogate

Knaresborough and both Harrogates appliance and Arial ladder appliance responded to a fire inside a residential building. The fire was confined to a trolley and was out on arrival prior to crews arrival. Crews entered the building using breathing apparatus equipment and used a hose reel jet to dampen down the trolley. The crew also naturally ventilated the building and gave advice to staff about the actions required in the event of a fire.

Time: 12:49   Location: York Centre, York

A crew from York gained entry to a domestic property after ambulance were unable to gain access to check on the welfare of the occupant. Crews used small tools only.

Time: 14:43   Location: Crichton Avenue, York

A crew from Acomb gained entry to a domestic property after ambulance were unable to gain access to check on the welfare of the occupant. Crews used small tools only.

Time: 15:58   Location: Pasture Lane, Malton

A crew from Malton assisted ambulance with a difficult extrication of an occupant in their home who had fallen. Crew power used only.

Time: 16:19   Location: A1036, York 

A crew from Knaresborough when in the York area responded to a bin on fire. On arrival crews found the fire had been extinguished by workers who had used a fire extinguisher. Crews gave advice.