Incident Summary – Day shift, 21st May

Published 21st May 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred. 


Time: 11:29    Location: Huntington

Crews requested to isolate water at domestic property. Incident then left in hands of responsible persons.

Time: 11:44    Location: Layerthorpe, York

York crew extinguished fire within engine compartment of vehicle. Two hose reels used.

Time: 14:13    Location: Stepney Road, Scarborough

Scarborough crew attended an automatic fire alarm activation. On arrival and following investigation, crew confirmed this to be a false alarm.

Time: 15:49    Location: Northallerton

Northallerton crew assisted Ambulance by gaining entry to a property. Small tools used. Incident left with Ambulance.