Incident Summary – Night shift. Tuesday 30th April

Published 1st May 2024

Time: 18:58    Location: Foxwood Lane, York

Acomb crew attended area following report of fire in the open. Crew investigated and confirmed no fire found.

Time: 19:58    Location: Lawrence Street, York

York crew attended and extinguished a fire within a roadside waste bin. One hose reel used to extinguish.

Time: 20:09    Location: Skipton

Crew attended following notification of an alarm activation at a commercial building. On arrival, crew confirmed this to be a false alarm due to accidental activation of call point.

Time: 20:47    Location: Whitby

Whitby crew attended and extinguished a small bonfire in a woodland area. Extinguished using backpack water sprayer.

Time: 20:47    Location: Scarborough

Scarborough, Filey, Pickering crews sent to a residential property in center of Scarborough. Scarborough crew arrived and confirmed burnt food in pan, smoke logging inside. Appliance isolated, natural ventilation and advice given.

Time: 20:55   Location: Whitby

Lythe crew attended Whitby area to assist Ambulance with welfare of occupier fallen inside property. Crew made comfortable until arrival of Ambulance paramedics.

Time: 22:01    Location: Ravenscar, Scarborough

Scarborough crew attended following report of fire in the open. On arrival, crew confirmed small bonfire, under supervision. Advice given, no further action taken.

Time: 00:05    Location: Helmsley

Helmsley crew attended following notification of an alarm activation at an industrial building. On arrival, crew confirmed this to be a false alarm due to unknown fault on system.

Time: 02:27    Location: Marine Drive, Scarborough

Scarborough crew attended and extinguished a fire within a roadside waste bin. One hose reel used to extinguish.