Incident Summary – Nightshift, 29th April 2024

Published 30th Apr 2024

To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred. 


Time: 17:24     Location: City Centre, York

A crew from York responded to an activated fire alarm inside a residential building. This was caused by steam from a shower and was a false alarm.

Time:  19:38    Location: Wetherby

A crew from Tadcaster assisted our colleagues in West Yorkshire with an incident in there services area.

Time: 19:51     Location: Stokesley

A crew from Stokesley responded to a fire sighted in a wooded area. This was set alight deliberately. Crews extinguished the fire using knapsacks.

Time: 21:02     Location: Northallerton

A crew from Northallerton responded to a fire in the open. The fire was set deliberately and crews carried out an inspection after finding the fire extinguished prior to their arrival.

Time: 21:40     Location: Esplande, Scarborough

A crew from Scarborough responded to a fire in the open. Crews found the fire smoldering and unattended. This was set deliberately and crews used a bucket of water to extinguish the fire.

Time: 23:10     Location: A172, Stokesley

A crew from Stokely worked alongside a vet to remove a Shetland pony stuck in a ditch full of water. Crew power and vehicle strops were used to remove the pony which is now in the safe hands of its owner.

Time:  23:11    Location: Wetherby

A crew from Tadcaster assisted our colleagues in West Yorkshire with an incident in there services area.

Time: 02:20     Location: Dunslow Road Eastfield

Scarborough crews responded to a large waste bin on fire outside of a commercial property. Crews extinguished the fire using 1 hose reel jet.