Multi Agency Exercise York River Rescue

Published 23rd Dec 2023

It may be Christmas but our crews are still out keeping the public safe from harm, including a recent water rescue exercise in York.

Last night (Friday, 22 December) our crews were joined by York Water Safety Group, North Yorkshire Police and the York Rescue Boat to take part in the exercise along the stretch of water near the Kings Staith on the River Ouse.

The purpose of the exercise was to test our capabilities and how we work together but also to raise awareness to those socialising along the river, the dangers water can pose.

One of the key messages our crews deliver to people at this time of the year, is to plan your route home after a night out and ensure it is away from water, especially if you have been consuming alcohol.

On average 73 people lose their lives each year through substance related drowning with young men being in one of the highest risk groups.

So, please look after yourself and your friends over this Christmas and New Year period.

Stay safe, plan a safe route home away from water and look out for each other.

If someone in the water needs our help, call 999 immediately and ask for the Fire and Rescue Service (coastguard if this is by the coast). Never delay raising the alarm.

A big thank you to York Rescue Boat for filming and sharing this video of the exercise with us