Statement from CFO, Jonathan Dyson on the HMICFRS Report

Published 20th Jan 2023

The report by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has today (20/1/23) published their report on the most recent inspection of North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service.

The inspection was conducted in spring 2022. Overall, our service has been assessed as:

  • Effectiveness: requires improvement
  • Efficiency: inadequate
  • People: inadequate

We welcome the challenge and scrutiny from HMICFRS and value the independent nature of the Inspectorate. While this is a very disappointing outcome, it is not a reflection of the hard work and dedication that our staff show, every day, to keeping our communities safe, and feeling safe. The Inspectors have said that we are good at preventing fires and other risks and responding to major and multi-agency incidents.

Much of what the Inspectors have focused on relates to service-level policies and practices.

We do need to acknowledge that the Inspection came at a time of significant change for our service. We were just coming out of Covid and transitioning to a new Chief Fire Officer.

Since taking up my position as Chief Fire Officer in July 2022 I remain very aware about what needs to improve and I’m confident that, along with my newly appointed leadership team, we’ll deliver the HMICFRS improvement plans and service transformation. We are absolutely committed to making significant progress over the next two years.

Jonathan Dyson

Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is holding a Public Accountability Meeting on Thursday 26 January at 2:30pm – 4:00pm which will cover the Service’s response to the findings of the recent inspection report.

Please visit the PFCC’s website for information on how you can submit your questions and comments and view the meeting on-line.